creativity · Poem · Prayer · Thoughts


I’ve been thinking about Isaiah 62 this week. So I rewrote the prayer to be used kin the town/area I live. It is a poem but to condense the size I have written it in prose. Let me know what you think. 

Because I love this place, this space, I will not be motionless, emotionless. My very being cries out for this place. I will speak out, I will sing out, I will move in, breathe in. I will hold her in my very conversations, in all my communications, until she is known for her wondrous ways for bringing you glory, honor and praise. The nations will wonder and copy her demeanour, the world from her will follow your ways. She will be your child. Helps in he depth of your heart, precious and true, known just for glorifying you. Never again will she be known as the backwater or the godless, the hopeless, the lifeless or the waste. She will be known as your land, your hand, hallowed ground. You will walk amongst us, we will know your light. All will gather, all will know, all will rejoice. They will rejoice in you, for you, with you.

Here in this place, I have posted watchmen on your walls, in the pub, the clubs, the howling green. I have posted watchmen in the cornershop, the  WI, the local school. I have posted watchmen in the cinema, the leisure centre and the cafe. They are there in the supermarket, the hospitals, the taxi’s the gyms. They are there on your streets, they are neighbours and strangers and friends. Watchmen posted on every street corner. And they have a secret. The worst kept secret, they will not keep silent, they will not stop, they will not tire, they will not be worn down and they will not cease. They will pray as if time has no meaning. They are constantly at the feet of Christ, at the foot of the cross, crying out to the King for his mercy, his help, his work. It is his promise, the covenant, his oath not to leave us, to care and love us. 

Let us therefore not stay shut-up. let us not stay secret. Let us open our doors, and prepare pur streets, put up the banners, the flags, prepare the PA and dust of our glad rags. Practice our dance moves and our choruses, tune up, brush down. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Declare the glory of the King’s party, the feast, the disco, the rave, the communion. Declare. Declare. Declare. Share the invitation. The message from him to this land. It is coming. The time of his children, the time of his people, a time of revelation  and a time of revelling. . We will be called your people, those that live by your light, ones that know your glory. 


Christian Spirituality · creativity · Poem · Thoughts

At the foot of the cross: piece of creative writing

It’s been a while since I’ve written, I have no reason or excuse. However, tonight whilst in worship with some young people I felt a little inspire, so I leave you with an ounce of creative writing.

At the foot of the cross

At the foot of the cross,

I’m here once again. 

Broken, here I stand. 

I’m worn out and tired,

But here I stand.

I see your pain flowing down

Not a tear for yourself

Or the blood that you shed. 

You weep alone for me.

My strength fails at your compassion 

And I’m on my knees 

And I freeze.

A hand on my shoulder 

And I’m not alone

A warmth spreads through my bones.

I know that I am loved

And i curl up forgetting all my needs. 

I cry, I sob, I weep.

Emotion escapes

But you keep me here in place, 

In this space. 

I know now it’s no longer a race.

It’s more than a fast living pace.

You cradle me at the foot of the cross. 

Not a place of loss, a place for the lost, 

But at the greatest cost.

So I can sit still in the precious stillness

I dont have to speak of concerns or commitments

I dont have to come with complaint or praise. 

I come and sit in the stillness of your grace.

At the foot of the cross

Through my tears of brokenness,

A smile breaks across my face.

I’m not alone

I’m not so broken 

I’m being reworked not at the greatest loss 

But at the greatest cost.

 I’m here at the foot of the cross

Once again.

Held in your arms I’m priceless.

Held in your arms I’m known.

Held in your arms I’m loved.

Held in your arms I am grown. 

I’m here at the foot of the cross

And I’ve spent my time 

Here in the beauty of your presence. 

You’ve changed my heart from the inside out. 

You wipe my final tears away, 

Draw me closer

And whisper sweetly in my ear

You say 

‘Precious child, you are dear’

‘Stand up, take heart, lay down your load’

‘Pick up my cross and my royal purple robes’

‘This is your path, it’s built for me and you’

‘Stand up, take heart, I am with you’

I’m here at the foot of the cross.

I’m moved off of my knees

I’ve here at the foot of the cross 

And I’m standing 

Reaching out for the hand.

Sharing the burden of the cross

No the burden of the cross is lost

It’s his power upon my shoulders 

Each step along this path I grow bolder 

Untill the next time I find myself there

At the foot of the cross. 

Christian Spirituality · Poem · Prayer · thoughts and musings

Psalm 15 – a re-write

Another psalm I have re-write: Psalm 15.

Who, Almighty King, could walk among your hall ways?

Who can be in your Holy place?

The one who walks the narrow path,

Who works towards your will,

Whose language is from your heart,

Whose heart speaks only of you,

Who does not step in the way of a neighbour,

Or any other person.

They do not like those who cause harm,

Or those who do not live for You, Almighty King.

Your people live in your honour, even if it is uncomfortable,

They stick to your truth, Lord.

They share all they have,

And will not be bought or back down.

These are the precepts of your people,

And on this solid foundation they will always stand strong. 



(These are my own thoughts, not an original translation)




I started this some time ago, by the sounds of it, it wasn’t the brightest time in my life… today I finished it 😀

I feel asleep one night
and down I fell
a dream of bugs and bells
The fire burnt bright
the shadows grew deeper
I hope i awake to daylight strong
and an ever deepening understanding
and voice for your song


Clearing out my laptop sharing the poem and thoughts – mostly half finished so they’re gone from my computer but not lost forever.


Find the soul of the lost
Taste the hour that eclipses
Know that tomorrows walk will add blisters on to blisters
Time shall not bear easy on you
Nor shall the road be smooth
Fight for tooth and nail upon the rocky path
For tomorrow will not be easier
But maybe it won’t be harder


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You have called me
All that I am
Put me here in this moment
Standing with the lamb
You gave me a map
And You ask me to pray
To work with you on my direction
You ask me to intercess
For my fellow travellors
For their paths and directions
Are important to you to
For we all serve your glory
The glory of the king
Our direction faces into you
To you our praise we sing.

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To the glory of your name
I bring to you my life in praise.
How can you accept us?
I’ve seen the work our hands have done
Crazy shameful moments
Time wasters, life suckers
Criminals, hypocrites
Murders, surfers.
Middle class mums
And high class dads
Working class aunts
And vagabond uncles.
Brothers and sisters lost and in pain
Wandering feet and wandering spirits
Life with incredible limits.
Boundaries and walls
I can’t imagine how they can fall
How can your inexhaustible love
infiltrate into this pollution
into a world where you can be moving
yet few see you
and fewer seek you
Such disunity and helplessness
 But Lord I have seen your people
Connected, praying, loving
Not judging.
I have seen their passion for you
Their love for your people
Who have answered your call
And stayed true to your word and work
I have seen hearts break with love for these people
And I have seen hearts mended here
I have seen people walk in humility
Walking ever closer to you
They have their eyes on the goal
And are solid in their foundations
Based upon the one true Cornerstone
They are a living for you Lord
And you supply and bless
To the glory of your name
In response
I bring to you my life in praise.


Will I

Hello you,
 How are you?
 Can you see me?
 I can see you!
 Will the sunshine tomorrow
And the rains keep at bay?
 Will you be here to see me
And love me all the same?
 Will the journey be so much easier
Or will be harder day-by-day?
Will each step be springy and light
Or held with drudgery and fear?
Will my voice be strong and true
Or a whisper faltering here?
Will I look on boldly forward
I truly know my way?
Or will I tentatively reach out slowly
Arms length away?
Could I wake up tomorrow and this is gone?
Could I walk away and forget?
Could I ever gain a love like this?
Could I ever run on forwards?
Will the questions get easier?
Then, I suppose, the answers get harder!
Will the disappointment be an honour?
Will my shame mean pride to you?
Will an answer mean new armour,
Or a brick wall between me and you?
When my hair goes grey and my walking is hobbled
When I grow to tired to sleep
Will I wake and wonder still my Lord
Or will you give me the rest I need?
I understand I know little
I understand, I’m not sure I wish to know more.
All I know
I am Yours
This is sure
My Lord.



I wrote this poem whilst on camp, and one of the leaders and the boys turned into a song. I have the copy with the chords on kinda but as I don’t understand chords….

Flames of the Spirit, burn my soul
Cleanse my heart, make me whole.
You’ve taken my burden
Carried me far
Come O Lord set me on fire
Fill me with your Holy Desire
Water of the Spirit, carry my soul
Clean my heart, make me whole.
Washing away my burden
Carrying me far
Come O  Lord Wash me a new
Give me more desire for you
Wind of the Spirit, blow on my soul
Bless my heart, make me whole
Blown away my burden
with me till a far
Come O Lord breathe on me
Make my desire you to seek
Loving Lord and Spirit, you have me soul
Yours is my heart making me whole
Gone are my burdens
You are with me
Come O lord, Come O Lord
I ask: be my desire forever more.


Its not the end point the journey?
Its not the its the end point?
Its never the start!

We race towards the goal, but we walk along a narrow path. We all started somewhere.

Start fragment. End together. Journey… still being undertaken.

People please bare with me, we all started at different places all on different paths going to one goal. My map might not read the same as yours.


One step, dare you.

One step, dare you.

Then just another,
Keep on walking,
Past the crowd.
Everyone may be watching,
Some may even take notice,
Some will walk against you,
Some will never see.
Dare you, keep moving,
Keep moving, taking ground,
Solid foundations,
No faking these relations.
Look around see them moving with you,
Listening, different paths,
One destination.
Dare you.
Keep Moving.
Dare you.

At the end of the day

“At the end of the day…”

“At the end of the day, I am…”
“At the end of the day, God is…”
At the end of the day,
This I want to be.
Created in Your image,
I know that You know me.
I may be scared and tired,
but You are mighty and strong.
When I’m fighting my reality,
And can’t find out what’s Real,
I pray for rest and peace,
for I know Your loves me seal.